Visiting the reading rooms is possible only after a previously agreed appointment. 

Original documents preserved by the National Archives are viewed on-site in the reading room of the unit preserving these documents.

Procedure of the use of documents at the reading rooms of the National Archives of Latvia can be found here.

National Archives branches and locations

The National Archives is located in 13 cities: Rīga, Sigulda, Cēsis, Valmiera, Madona, Alūksne, Rēzekne, Daugavpils, Jēkabpils, Jelgava, Tukums, Liepāja, Ventspils.

Each branch preserves official archives from their local area. Archives of the central State administrative authorities are preserved in Riga. of the National Archives.

There is reading room available in every branch of National Archives of Latvia.

Contact information and information about the opening hours for the reading rooms can be found here.

How to register for using of reading rooms?

You can register as a user of the reading room:

  • online  here.
  • on-site in the reading room.

To be registered as a user of the reading room you will have to show personal ID with picture.

Remember to bring personal ID with picture every time when you visit the reading rooms.

Are there any restrictions on accessing the records?

Anyone may come and view the documents. The vast majority of records preserved by the National Archives are freely available in the reading rooms.

Access restrictions set out in the privacy and personal data legislation, special legislation or handover agreements relating to private archives may impose restrictions on access to documents. The use of documents in poor condition may also be restricted.

If access to the material is restricted due to applicable legislation or a handover agreement, you will have to submit an access permit application, specify the purpose of access and enclose documents confirming the rights to use restricted access documents.

Do I have to pay for using the archives/records?

Using documents on-site in reading rooms and taking notes of your own do not involve any fees. Accessing the search databases and the digital archives of the National Archives is also free of charge.

Are copies of documents available?

You may order copies of documents for a fee. Staff will provide the copies. For copying fees, see the price list .

May I photograph documents?

You may use your own camera to photograph documents which do not have any access restrictions. Flash photography is not permitted. The condition or the shape of the document may also restrict photographing it.

Latvian State Archive

lva [at]

Regional State Archive of Valmiera

valmiera [at]

Regional State Archive of Ventspils

ventspils [at]

Regional State Archive of Daugavpils

daugavpils [at]

Regional State Archive of Jēkabpils

jekabpils [at]

Regional State Archive of Jelgava

zemgale [at]

Regional State Archive of Liepāja

liepaja [at]

Regional State Archive of Rēzekne

rezekne [at]

Regional State Archive of Sigulda

sigulda [at]

Regional State Archive of Tukums

zemgale [at]

Regional State Archive of Cēsis

vidzeme [at]